Maximiliaan Frentz

Naam ook wel: Frens/Frentz.

In 1628 stond zijn compagnie op repartitie van Friesland
Lijst met schrijvers van alle compagnieën op repartitie van Friesland, 1628

Op 27-4-1635 werd hij opgevolgd als Fries kapitein door Wyger Selsma van Hottinga.
Maximilian (of) Frentz served in the German regiment of Count Ernst Casimir of Nassau-Dietz. By 1620 he was captain.
That same year he asked permission to hire his brother Gerrit as a lieutenant, but was refused.
By 1628 he was also the Dutch military commander of Rees.
From there he prepared the vital and successful capture of Wesel in 1629, without getting any of the glory.
He complained about this to Ernst Casimir (“It’s like saddling a horse and have someone else ride it!”).
Perhaps that’s why he was made sergeant-major of the German regiment later that year. Maximilian served until 1635.
His career going well, Maximilian acquired a small estate in 1628.
His son Johan followed in his father’s footsteps and was ensign by 1637.
Later he joined the guard of the new Stadhouder of Friesland, Count William Frederick of Nassau-Dietz. In 1645 he became his ensign.
His star didn’t continue to rise like his father’s did though.
Around 1650 Johan was fired by the count for being lazy.
Having always spent more than he earned, he was deep in debt and eventually even had to sell the estate he had inherited from his father.
Frentz, also spelled as Frens or Frents, shouldn’t be confused with the early war noble family Frentz, or the (German) Frisian family Ferentz,
whose Enno and Thomas fought for the States at the same time Max and Johan did, but their stars kept rising until they were colonels with their own regiments.

In het Stadhouderlijk Hof te Leeuwarden hing een officierenreeks bestaande uit 31 portretten van het Friese Regiment.
Deze reeks werd aangelegd door stadhouder Willem Lodewijk.
Een latere lijst van 26 portretten, meestal met een naam, is bewaard gebleven in Tresoar. (zie artikel Radetsky – negen eeuwen Friesland-Holland).
nr.9 = Majoor Frens. (let op: nog niet 100% zeker dat dat deze Max. Frentz is)


NaamMaximiliaan Frentz
RangHoogduitse Nassause Regiment - Kapiteins
Officier van:1620?
Officier tot1635
Vermeld bij:
(BK nr.)35048
AfbeeldingenGeen overige afbeeldingen beschikbaar
Voorganger in C28W. Hettes
Opvolger in C28Wyger Heres Eelsma van Hottinga

Andere Hooduitse kapiteins

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