Frederik Bartholomeus Franciscus Borgia Nockern von Schorn

Raad van State: Commmissieboeken, Naam: Frederick van Nockern van Schoorn
Periode: 1586 – 1792
Naam Frederick van Nockern van Schoorn
Functie Kapitein
Datum 13-5-1768

Vermeld in Staat van Oorlog 1773.

hij Des Roomschen Rijksedelen van Schorn? Colonel der Infanterie ten dienste der Vereenigde Nederlanden te Maastricht.
The memoirs of François Louis de Wimpfen informed French readers that strategy and logistics were subjects taught at the military school in Kassel, a fact also reported in the Esprit des journaux.25 Similarly, the French translation of the curriculum of the Hohe Karlsschule in Stuttgart provided information on the teaching of strategy at this academy as part of the training of public servants.26 The publication in 1783 of a work by Friedrich Nockern von Schorn did not arouse more interest despite the ambition of its subject matter.
Schorn was of German origin and served Holland as a colonel in a regiment before retiring to Bayreuth; Azar Gat presented him as being ‘amazingly pretentious’.27 This is too harsh a judgement, but Schorn did probably decide to publish his treatise initially in French, which was not his mother tongue (the German version was not published until two years later) because he wanted to rise to the level of, and even to outperform the ‘dogmatic scholars’ who had written on the art of war.28 He did not claim that his work – which was addressed to young officers – was a military treatise, but a systematic and innovative method for assimilating the science of war.
Kapitein in het Regiment Van Aylva 1768, Luitenantkolonel 1772, Kolonel 1775, overl. Regensburg (?).


NaamFrederik Bartholomeus Franciscus Borgia Nockern von Schorn
RangFriese Nassause Regiment - kapiteins
Officier van:1768
Officier tot>1773
Vermeld bij:
(BK nr.)46180

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